Millennials and the Latin Mass
Why are young adults drawn to the Latin Mass? An article on Crisis Magazine recently offered some reasons. Millennials, Authenticity, and the Latin
The Society is now taking a survey to determine locations where a personal parish would be supported as well as receiving pledges of support.
Would you be interested in a Family Latin Mass day? The Society would like to promote a sense of community among the adherents of the Traditional Latin Mass. A retreat day would include learning how to chant, workshops for altar servers, talks on the spirituality of traditional Catholic devotions. If you are interested, please fill out the form below.
As part of the Society’s educational outreach, we have begun teaching Gregorian chant in parish settings. If you are interested in a chant workshop or to host a chant workshop in your parish, please contact us.
We are dedicated to the diffusion of the Tridentine Mass which, through Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum, gives greater access to the classical form of the Mass.
Read moreThe Tridentine Mass Society of Raleigh is an independent association of the lay faithful in the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh created for the purpose of supporting the Sacred Liturgy in the Extraordinary Form (also known as the Traditional Latin Mass or Tridentine Mass). It is incorporated in the state of North Carolina as a Charitable or Religious non-profit corporation for religious, charitable, and educational purposes.
The Society was formed to work for the establishment of a personal parish for Sacred Liturgy in the Extraordinary Form in the Diocese of Raleigh. Such a parish will not come into existence without the prior creation of a community of Catholics who are willing to be attached to that parish and dedicated to creating the fullness of a Catholic parish life, not just the guarantee of a Sunday-and holy-day Tridentine Mass.
Establishing and maintaining an independent oratory to provide a home for a Tridentine Mass (Traditional Latin Mass or Extraordinary Form Mass) parish in the general vicinity of Raleigh;
(b) Sponsoring liturgical, educational, and social activities;
(c) Engaging in any and all lawful activities that are appropriate to carry out and fulfill any or all of the foregoing purposes.
Why are young adults drawn to the Latin Mass? An article on Crisis Magazine recently offered some reasons. Millennials, Authenticity, and the Latin
Every First Saturday at OLPH, Rocky Mount:8:00 AM Mass followed by Confessions9:00 AM–10:30 AM Breakfast with program on the Traditional Latin
St. Mary’s, Garner will be hosting a chant workshop for choir members. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend.When: Saturday, July 13, 2019
Please sign the petition for the establishment of a chapel for the celebration of the weekly celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass at the